writer -=ze name=- joyce the blip.
-=ze age=- 22years and growing

lately -=tune=- annie's song.
-=station=- gold90fm.
-=feeling=- contented.loved.
-=craze=- harrypotter.
-=enjoys=- slow afternoons.
-=awaiting=- christmas.
-=attained=- comfort and joy.

notebook -->catch up on onepiece.
-->get my D's.
-->a new pretty phone!
-->start rollerblading again.
-->il divo 2nd cd.
-->burberry wallet.
-->hunt for pretty tops.
-->church camp 2007.

surfs -->harry potter.
-->one piece.
-->josh groban.
-->csi:las vegas.

the others daphne

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credits maker

Sunday, June 26, 2005
blessed child.

through the years i have experienced the greatness of God's love, His unchanging compassion and His showers of blessings. He knows that i can't excel academically, yet i always managed to scrape through my many years in school. many times i look back and ponder the consequences if i had chosen to study in bp govt high. i suppose things would have been very different and i might not even be in the tourism industry now.

thankful also for the guidance in my life. thankful that i am a scaredy cat so i did not end up being an alcoholic-smoker-hooligan-drug abuser-gay. i assure you it is easy to fall into that especially when you come from a school like mine. and tho at every stage of my life i seemed to have made the wrong friends, God would still give me the right ones to carry me through. i am thankful He gave me a clear mind and i did not end up wasting my life away doing meaningless activities that you think you are supposed to do just becos you are of age.

i am thankful that even tho at times when i am waist deep in sin and unable to pull myself up, He's there to give me a hand, to give me a push and to pull me back to earth even if it means ripping skin and feeling enormous pain. He was there when my first relationship ended, comforting me with His words: if I carried the weight of the world upon My shoulders, rest assure that I will carry you through. you might not believe it, you might not understand how simple words like that could lift the burden off your chest but i can tell you, He will never leave you and whatever pain you are feeling, He has been there and He shares your pain. now that the longing and pain have left me, i feel light and lifted, ready to let go and be thankful for the short span of time he spent in my life.

life doesn't suck. don't put that on your lips just becos its a common phrase to say. what in world could be so horrible that you would condemn your life like that? think of the many blessings in your life, the people around you who seemed insignificant but are the ones who sticked around when you actually need them, the safe environment we live in where we don't see human corpses lying around due to rioting, cars blowing up cos of terrorism and persecution due to racial discrimination. its frightening to realise that i am so easily influenced to discriminate against others and thinking that my actions are harmless when it is these exact discrimination that cause lives in other countries.

i dislike being labelled as religious. i feel that it is an insult to all believers out there becos what with have with God is a special and personal relationship. He does not only help you when you are lost and helpless and seek His help. He is there to pave a route for you even when you have already forgotten His existance when all is going well. the evangelistic rally tonight really opened my heart and mind to the fact that time waits for no man, how much more time would i waste before i would spread the salvation word? i want my close friends to walk with me along diamond-covered path and to spend eternity in heaven. would you walk with me?

there's no greater love than this, that a man would give his life for a friend
there's no higher sacrifice, that a man would give his life,
Jesus have paid a precious price for me.

blip rambled on Sunday, June 26, 2005

Wednesday, June 22, 2005
potato chips.

when i was in the train coming to work just now, i could think of a thousand things to blog! but now that i'm infront of the computer, having my thoughts intercepted by valuair, airasia and raj, i have lost my train of thoughts. blah. workload is getting increasingly heavy cos shinleei is going off soon :( and from my casual conversations with kennedy and timothy, they don't seemed very worried that soon, it will just be ME in the office! alone! handling everything! picking up every single phonecall asking about pick up time, timothy, kennedy, timothy, pick up time, whether i got their email ornot, could i change this for them, could i change that for them, whether is it a trouble for me to change it for them when they can call 10 times a day to check if you have issued the ticket and the moment you have done it they will realised that they are actually unable to travel on that date and wants you to change it. so! since the start of this week 2 days ago, i've been going through a rollercoaster of emotions starting 9.30am in the morning! energetic-worry-anxiety-weariness-rage-lunch-weariness-weariness-exhaustion-home.

but! thankfully i havent experience anything today. yet. but lets not get our hopes up high! hafta pick up Mr S K Bhalla from the airport later in the afternoon, bring them to the hotel and in the process psycho him to take up the night safari tour we have this evening. talking about NIght SAfARI! shinleei just told me about this park hopper promo she saw in the papers today! JBP, Zoo and night SAfAri for just $25! ahh...anyone willing to go to the night safari with me?? its so fun! and theres a ben's and jerry cafe in night safari! ice cream! waffle! yum! any takers? heh!

anyways, dinnering with sh, ph and alvin at sakae sushi tonight! which reminds me that i should make reservations. and tomorrow is air suply night! yipeeee! all these happy things to look forward to that i don't even feel upset that my sister has found another noisy alarm clock to take over her spoilt one. did i ever mention that she needs 3 alarm clocks to wake her up in the morning?! oh the grief. maybe i should spoil the crab alarm clock cos it snoozes. *ponders*

p/s: ian, i did not imply that you are old just becos you like air supply! just that according to my sister, you seemed to like alot of bands. but what does she know?? remember, she is not on the same frequency. *laughs*

Useless fact of the day: I just finished one whole packet of Jack 'n Jill potato chips. yuk!

blip rambled on Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'M GOING TO THE AIR SUPPLY CONCERT NEXT THURSDAY!! *jumps up and down in ecstasy* this is so exciting!! even though i bought the tickets too last minute and couldn't get side-by-side seats, who cares?! its air supply baby! its great to be able to find people like shihui who likes air supply as much as i do (not to forget ian and donny of course!) cos you seriously have no iDeaA how many people out there who don't know abt air supply. like what sh said and i quote "they are so not living in e same planet.." can't believe ian was the only one who shares my excitement *disappointed* ah well!

attention daphne: msg me immediately after reading this entry and tell me the date and time you are leaving for aussie!! you are leaving on a jetplane already..=( the next time you come back, i will go to the airport and pick you up myself! muahaha! *smirk* but i think you should take your license in aussie! or else you will be wasting precious time m'dear!!

ooh! 1 more hour to the weekend! working on a saturday is pure agony i tell you. waking up early in the morning, trudging to the office at 9.45am in the morning, warm the seat with my butt for 4 hours and off i go. all the wasted sleeping time gone to waste! oh the grief..the grief! however! lately, thanks to tp, i do not have to resort to buying a tamagotchi to keep me entertained in my stone hours cos i've gone back to playing neopets! 'lady_t0nks' if anyone is looking for me! :p two days of playing and i've already beaten spectre in cheat! and i've got a trophy to prove it..muahaha! hopefully my stocks will earn some neopoints for me. hohoho!

looking at the above mad entry, i'm sure you have deduced that i'm still very obsessed with harry potter to name my pet after nymphdora tonks. lalala! still facing the dilemma of whether should i preorder halfblood. =/ i still have the alternative of ordering thru singpost and have it delivered to me on the 16th..ahhh!! how?! its so expensive!! should i buy? or should i wait? buy? wait? *walks away muttering to herself*

Useless fact of the day: Marilyn Monroe has 6 toes on one of her foot.

blip rambled on Saturday, June 18, 2005

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

daphne! i finally bought at epilator! *maniac laughter* went shopping with yijun at PS on sunday cos she needa get cloth from spotlight as well. it was really great shopping with her! went to best! superstore to check out the epilator (on sale! on sale! :p) and realised that we both love to check out the home appliances (esp the kitchen stuff) on display! so we spent a good 2mins standing infront of the heavy duty blender and imagining how great it will be to have that in our kitchen in all its S$669 glory. it was kinda funny to share the same adoration for a clothes steamer and rushing to tell each other how fantastic it is to not have to iron clothes ever again! strolled around carrefour after that, checking out the potato chips and ogling at the bbq whole chicken, grilled salmon-codfish-whatevers, scrutinizing at the cakes, discussing how she can also bake them (yeah i can't. *surrender*). hohoho! all in all it was a fruitful and happy trip ending with us telling each other that we should stop buying plain clothes and to explore the world of big prints, flowers and lace.

oh! the disciple project was a huge success! *grins* so proud of all of us and its true that when the end product comes through, the time spent on making it possible all seemed worthwhile :) concluded the day talking with tp on church stuff, people stuff and harry potter stuff! i am really amazed by the amount of info and knowledge that guy possess! *impressed* always fun and enriching talking to him..heh!

on the down side, driving last night was horrendous. i'm so used to driving barefoot that i can't seemed to get used to wearing shoes while driving! sigh..its no help with mr lai giving me the impatient face when i stalled for the 3rd time. even if he's tired, he has no right to take it out on me! grr...feel kinda demoralised already..it will be a miracle if i can pass my test on the first try. :( (attempts to wipe out bad memories of driving *obliviate!*) hope that i'll be able to master the skill of parking on my next lesson this saturday. HOPEFULLY he will be in a better mood and i will not screw up again. any kind souls out there wanna coach me for free? *hopeful*

and, monster-in-law is closing soon and i still have not watched it :( sorry daph..can't seemed to find time and mood to watch it..esp now that gv jp is not showing it anymore. think i'm so used to watching movies after work at jp, watching anywhere else don't seem to be an option anymore. i'm such a gross couch potato i can hardly be saved.

oh yes, after following the michael jackson case for the past 6 weeks since i started work, the jurors have finally acquitted him of all 10 charges which saves him 20yrs of squat-time. hooray for the jackson fans!

Useless fact of the day: My right toenail is INDEED falling off. Just great.

blip rambled on Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
mi mancherai.

went up KL on sunday for an overnight trip with tim. seriously have no idea why i'm there anyway since i don't have to lead the group neither do i have work to do. so basically i'm just there to enjoy the hotel room, the food and the endless coffee, coke lemon and margaritas. kinda time wasting if you asked me considering i spent half the time travelling up and down on the coach and trying hard to slp with ease. that, unfortunately didn't happen and so i ended up with a sore back instead. ah well, at least travelling is included in the employment package eh?

so so! i have found other things to obsess about other then One Piece for the time being! re-read harry potter again in anticipation of the up-coming Half-blood Prince! i shall consider buying the books soon since i'm gonna buy it anyways. i digress, maybe i should ask my sister to get it for me since she has already told me exactly what she wants for her birthday right down to the exact location which present could be found. the only thing she hasn't done was to ask me to give her the money and she could get it on her own! actually i would like that cos it would mean i don't hafta drag my lazy ass down to borders and also to make sure that the correct version is bought. hmm..maybe i should suggest that to her. ha. ok i just finished reading Goblet of Fire last night and so i'm gonna start on Order of Phoenix as soon as i can lay my paws on them! gonna re-watch the 3 movies soon ALSO in preparation for the upcoming GOF in NOvember! i know i know! i AM obsessed thank you very much. while i'm typing all these, i'm fervently surfing for harry potter's webby. accio website!

right now i'm at bliss with josh groban's voice serenading into my head *dreamy* he is such a fantastic singer! sigh. its a comfort to my aching body courtesy of minwei's tough badminton training i had last night. always enjoyed rallying with him and seeing both of us putting all pent up hatred into each stroke. muahaha. shall look forward to the next badminton outing provided my right toe nail hasn't dropped off and my left arm is still intact!

Useless fact of the day: My right toe's nail dropped off once cos it "died". it wasn't a pretty sight.

blip rambled on Wednesday, June 01, 2005