writer -=ze name=- joyce the blip.
-=ze age=- 22years and growing

lately -=tune=- annie's song.
-=station=- gold90fm.
-=feeling=- contented.loved.
-=craze=- harrypotter.
-=enjoys=- slow afternoons.
-=awaiting=- christmas.
-=attained=- comfort and joy.

notebook -->catch up on onepiece.
-->get my D's.
-->a new pretty phone!
-->start rollerblading again.
-->il divo 2nd cd.
-->burberry wallet.
-->hunt for pretty tops.
-->church camp 2007.

surfs -->harry potter.
-->one piece.
-->josh groban.
-->csi:las vegas.

the others daphne

archives October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 March 2007 May 2007 July 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 January 2008 May 2008

credits maker

Sunday, July 24, 2005
feng shui.

just when i thought my klutzy-ness is a thing of the past, i've succeeded in injuring myself 3 times in quick succession today. i actually rammed my hips (RAMMED ladies and gentlemen, not knocked) against the staircase railing while rushing down the stairs today. kenny was actually there to witness my moment of pain and instead of asking me whether am i ok, he burst out laughing. what a very kenny-move. =/ then when i got home, i scratched myself while i was changing. with nails that i've just trimmed!! wth was that man?! so right now there's a red patch on my right knee which makes it hard to cross my legs..damn. so since i've rammed my hip, scratched my leg, i completed the package by knocking my left elbow against the sink while showering causing a small bump and impairing my ability to stretch the left arm now. wonderful.
anyway, i realise that my blog is so not interesting. which somehow reflects my life doesn't it? the other day i actually wanted to blog, but i couldn't even churn one sentence cos there's absolutely nothing to jot down at all.

ah well, kenny just pointed out that most of the pple we hang out after church before are all attached already. that leaves the single pple to hang out with james pan. and i heard tat a few of the older jmyf-ers are also pairing up and that leaves quite a few lonely pple out there as well. *shrugs* ah well..i guess it was gonna happen anyway, just how we take them into our stride. it occurred to me that this might also be how friends actually drift away from each other cos they simply do not have the time to share anymore. i made the mistake once, i shall not do that the next time.

i've realised that the ahmad living directly below me aspires to be the next taufik batisah. i've the honour to grace his bathroom concert when i went for my shower earlier on. i would have thought its just normal bathroom humming until he started shouting the songs at the top of his voice. judging from his choices of songs, i reckon he will join asia bagus instead.

counting down the days to bangkok! i need a break, i need to eat alot of food and i need to buy alot of unnecessary stuff that i might not even use. but i'm going on a holiday, so shoot me.

--> you like being alone. but you feel better when pple notice that you are alone. personality analysis from the master. that just translate to me as attention seeking. harsh but not untrue. hmm. interesting.

Useless fact of the day: My house has very bad feng shui. When it rains, the feng (wind) doesn't enter but the shui (water) comes flooding in.

blip rambled on Sunday, July 24, 2005

Monday, July 18, 2005
test of faith.

with regards to the previous entry, God has indeed shown me the way once again and tho sacrifices hafta be made along the way, i'm quite prepared to do so. the final leap will be the registration and hopefully i'll be able to make it. i'm aching to share this wonderful experience with all my friends but i guess i shall wait for everything to be settled before rushin into things. *smiles*

somehow or rather, i think its God's way of helping me heal by sending yijun to our midst. i am actually surprised at myself for being able to befriend her and to actually come to like her as friend. not to mention her appearance have increased healing process by 80% (gosh she's like a faerie! :p) talking and sharing with her came so easily such that i actually told her my plans for studying and to have God leading me through it all. it was kinda like a comfort to me when she told me abt how she also relied on God's guidance to be able to get into medicine. i think after all that i've been through, i've finally learnt to appreciate people that God planted around me to provide support. i wish there's a way i could show my appreciation for her. hmm.

anyways, pple these days seemed to be in quite a foul mood most of the time. don't think i can actually offer help without getting my head bitten off. i must learn the valuable lesson of minding my own business cos the so-called 'help' might actually backfire and end up having to clean up the mess after that. tsk. they should have a guidebook on "matters you should or should not get your asses in" for pple like me. in view of meeting lotsa foul mood pple these days, i shall learn to keep my lousy temper to myself without having to inflict it on the innocents who are actually having a good day.

Useless fact of the day: Ostriches are often not taken seriously. They can run faster than horses, and the males can roar like lions.

blip rambled on Monday, July 18, 2005

Thursday, July 14, 2005

i feel that for once, i've found where my interest lies. to know people, to understand the way people think, to be able to relate to them and hopefully able to provide help to them. for once, i know what i want to do. but somehow, just seconds when i feel that i'm nearer to my goal and that my prayers are answered, i'm being pulled back to reality cos financial wise i'm just not able to afford it. but i feel the urge at the back of my mind, to work harder so i could eventually attain my goal.

part-time? full-time? i really wonder if i should take the former so i could work and study at the same time..but that will definitely not do for me cos it will take all my concentration away. what abt the latter? should i even think of throwing the burden onto my parents? make them carry the weight of my education? i don't know. but i've been praying and hoping for a sign to be shown to me, and for the past few days, everywhere i look i see signs that tell me i should not further in courses i have no interest in, but rather to pursue an education that is meaningful to me. life is too short to waste it on wrong and rash decisions.

i would be lying if i said i don't feel a upset that i'm the younger one. and that thoughts of resentment doesn't come to me cos the funds are already used up. is that the way its gonna be? only one will pull through and the o ther one left behind? its so frustrating. somehow i feel that God is telling me something, is showing me a sign, the sign that i was looking for! He is telling me what i really want to achieve in life, but it will come with trials and tribulations. is that the sign you wanna show me? i can't be sure. is that it?

*you might not remember or know what you did, but you did it alright :)

if You would just make a way for me, let me be able to find a way to do this, i PROMISE i will work hard.

blip rambled on Thursday, July 14, 2005

Friday, July 08, 2005
walking on air.

really feel like blogging but i seemed to have lost all phrasing ability. currently feeling kinda happy, kinda nostalgic, a lil' confuse, tons of sentiments.

it scares me that i don't wake up and think of it anymore. it is being taken over. somehow, the face of the future is once again blurry and i am actually returning to myself. a little more grown up, untying the strings of the past and reaching out for what lies ahead. back then i would never imagine the scar healing and the pain receding, but look at me now! *smiles* there are no actions great enough to show my appreciation for those who had been there, still with me now, and will always continue to be along life's long way.

my dear daphne should be reaching perth by now. its weird that we are great friends cos we don't do the calling thing, we don't even reply each other's sms sometimes, we hardly meet up and she bites me. seemed like the touch n go type isn't it? but miraculously we seemed to be connected by something :) just feel comfortable to blabber to her even tho her reaction is so practical and you feel silly and annoyed after that. haha. we don't actually share the same tastes in stuff (she likes green! yuck! :p) and not much in the beauty department as well (pester me to apply sunblock). still gonna miss her and tho she said she will buy me a gong4 to save money for perth next year and end up no buy for me, i will still start saving after bkk trip so i can fly over there next yr ^^ miss you my dear! don't cry when you read this *smirks* take care and PLEASE don't make yourself a vegetarian just becos you hate to handle meat.

Reasons for feelings of glee and elation:
1) seemed to have caught up with lots of sec sch friends this year ^^ was chatting with jireh last night and he said he used to call me almond seed cos my head looks like the shape. wth!? haha its hilarious to talk to him, convincing him mushroom is nicer than almond and end up linking it to super mario. ended up trying to out-do each other in jap and i say, his jap lang is quite good considering he looks like the banana-type. ha! meeting up tues for dinner, maybe with the other two. *laughs*

2) i've changed driving instructor! byebye mr lai and hello mr raymond! let's hope mr raymond will be able to save me from my lousy driving and make me a one-time-pass student. his way of teaching parking is really fantashtic compared to lai i would say. at least i found it easier to follow! feel highly encouraged by him and i can somehow see the light at the end of the tunnel. no more fighting urges to crash Lai's car! (i am nice actually. just that i really don't like him. tsk.)

Useless fact of the day: Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women. (too big a head?)

blip rambled on Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday, July 01, 2005
sakae sakae

sakae-ing with the usuals~

blip rambled on Friday, July 01, 2005

koh tee hock.

met up with lj, sh, ph, wenkang (weikang? er..), and ph's friend desmond for dinner last night and it was a blast! ate at father flagogens at chjimes (finally its not just chinajump) and actually got 50% off cos desmond works there as a cook. 50% less bill, 150% more food! alot of caucasians in there cos its an irish pub as well and i guess most of them are irish anyway (duh!)..was hoping that they will start dancing traditional irish pubdance but i was greatly disappointed. hah! ah well! sat ard talking and playing open number, trying to finish the large plate of seafood infront of us but we eventually gave up cos all the laughing kinda took away our appetite.

spent a good 20mins in the carpark looking for shihui's car and went up to mt faber for drinks. mt faber at night is really fabulous i tell you! the sight and scenery, the lights, the wind, the mosquitoes, what a place~! sat ard The Hill chilling and ended up reminiscing the ol' secondary school days! boy was it hilarious! physics with koh tee hock, the way koh tee hock always praise lianjin and wonder why can't all of us be like lianjin, the way he always smiles when he says lianjin's name, the way he always calls us with our surname (joyce toh, pang khinyuan, wang lianjin, lim ming kai) and when we ask him why he just say it sounds nicer. (wth?!) we even talked about prashin! *guffaws* really wonder whether is he back in india right now..haha! just remembering his face and his actions sent us into hysterics man! ahh...the good old days. at least now i feel that some parts of secondary school are worth remembering. how we skip hema's remedial, the redundant-ness of mr loh, scary miss lee and mr yassin's fantasy island.

ended up with lianjin driving me home cos shihui was a lil tipsy to take the wheel. well! got home in one piece, a night with great food, great drinks, great company. fantastic.

Useless fact of the day: I bought my levis 599 eroded! muahaha!

blip rambled on Friday, July 01, 2005